Here is a list of my new obsessions:
Modern Warfare 2, it's nice to past the time in the winter playing video games.
Carcasonne, I love playing boardgames with Jasmine, listening to The XX, and having a few cups of tea. Nerdy boardgames are getting really popular, they sell them at Chapters now.
Engineered Garments, man what beautiful garments. I recently got a 19th Century Chambray, I love it. I think this is the only piece that I can afford.
Tactical Flashlights, just started doing research on them, pretty interesting. I swear there is an obsession for everything out there.
Dress Shoes, Aldens, Edward Green, Allen Edmonds, what nice shoes, man I should have gotten into them a long time ago. I recently took all my Nike's out of my regular rotation and I've been wearing my Vans less and less. I guess I'm getting old.
Ties, I recently picked up a few ties from Brooks Brothers and I learned how to tie a bow tie, kinda. Again I am getting old-er.
Here's some random thoughts:
Okay my goal for February is to not buy any clothes.
I really like Designing Design by Kenya Hara. I really like it.
Looking forward to the next Apple announcement, I can't wait to watch the keynote.
Damn busy at work, good busy, but exhausting.
I think I figured out my style for illustrations, it feels good. It took me a while but I think I got it now.
I watched Up in the Air, I don't want to be 50 and be obsolete. Trust me I won't.
I'm not a competitive guy but I'm very competitive in my profession.
Never Not Working.