An average person life span is about 36,813,600 minutes. Out of 365 days in a year, can you afford to take 15 minutes do something positive for yourself? People are always saying I'm too busy, I don't have enough time, I'm juggling a million things. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" 15 minutes, that is the first step.
What is 15 minutes? Half a sitcom, 3 commercials, 4 songs on the radio, a short drive somewhere, out of 24 hours in a day you can spare 15 minutes, if you can not you are just not trying hard enough.
I tried approaching various tasks with this 15 minute technique, I spent 15 minutes on cleaning up my place, 15 minutes reading a book I don't want to read. (After 15 minutes I would stop. Because I know that if I made it into one hour thing I would start making excuses to not do it) You would be surprised how much you can potentially get done in 15 minutes. Because after 6 days you have spent an hour and a half working on a project that you didn't want to start.
I have met a lot of people that would say, "I don't know what I want to do for my career I don't know about my future" they are often working a dead end job, of just a job that they really don't like. They would rather spend 40 hours a week working somewhere that makes them unhappy then to sit down for an hour to think about how they could do to find a career that makes them happy. An hour, you might not get it right away but maybe, I know this sounds crazy but maybe the next week you can spend another hour to flesh out how you can find a career that makes you happy.
It's that simple, for anybody that is lost and don't know what to do with their life, sit down, spend 1 hour really think about your goal in life. After that spend 15 minutes everyday to put yourself closer to that goal. If I was a high school councillor that is the first thing I would say to my students before they graduate.