I was thinking in the shower. Sometimes I come up with the best ideas or have the most rational thoughts while I'm in the shower. I swear half my professional career was spawned from ideas that I have in the shower.
I had a thought about my friends, yes while I was showering.
I thought I about who they were and what their strengths were. Here's a breakdown of my thoughts:
Dru, I always thought that this guy has the keys to succeed. Sometimes he lets his vices gets the best of him i.e. buying tons of stuff and getting in debt. But that's who we are we are; a group of people that like stuff. I know that Dru will find his way and do one of his, "holy shit why didn't I do this sooner" waiting to exhale moments. I'm not sure why but sometimes I feel like Dru is like my brother from another mother, we are different but same all at the same time.
Danny, when I was thinking of him I thought about Kanye's song "Big Brother". I didn't realize it until now but he is in some ways like the older brother that I want to beat. He has a quiet confidence, he's successful has a level head and I always admired his work ethic. Seeing Danny succeed gives me strength to want to succeed, I want to follow his lead. Danny is Optimus Prime.
Derrick, he's one of the most loyal and genuine people that I know. He's good at whatever he puts his mind to. I mean if he really wanted something nothing can stop him. I knew that when he was going into his position at the bank that he would do well and excel, I had no doubt in my mind. Now he's going into his new job and I know he will again succeed. Derrick is one of the key people that shaped my life at an early age. He introduced me to Hip Hop music, BMX, and the importance of dope gear.
Nelson, I'm glad that I got to get to know him better over the past year and a bit. I can't say I know many more people that have a stronger sense of honor then this guy. Literally if he was back in the olden days he would be one of those samurai's or warriors that follow a code of honor to the death. I know his secret of getting girls it's because he's the strong silent type, I gotta work on that technique.
Norman, where ever Derrick left off Norman filled in any other gaps that shaped who I am today. There is no way I am the way I am without Norman in my life. Art, music, design, any and everything that I love was at one point an influence from Norman. This man embodies almost every facet of how I think about everybody in the group. I feed off of Norman's creative energy and I learned from his work ethic. I can't say enough about this guy.
Richard, I know he probably doesn't think I think this but often times when I think of Rich I think of strength. This undeniable strength in a person. Rich encouraged me early on to be creative, even when I was at a point where I barely picked up a pencil or even owned a computer. The good things that he has said to me in the past still echo's in my mind. There is strength in his words and I truly believe that once he starts harnessing his strength this is no possible way he cannot get anything that he wants in life. Rich is a man that draws people in, he radiates good karma and it's a reflection of his strength inside.
Birds of a feather flock together, my friends are a key part of who I am.
Artist Spotlight: Luke Osborn
2 days ago
awww... :)
don't think about me when u take a dump tho... kekeke...
ahhh.. i see. . so this is why we had the conversation at the gym today. i see i see. very "SWEET" post Vincent. and when i say sweet i really mean gay.
I didnt even get mentioned. No Matt - not to sure about this guy or he might be gay or someting.
sucks to be forgotten
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