I went away to Jasmine's cabin this past weekend. One of the things which I realized was that I'm actually getting better at sports as I get older. I believe it's because I'm actually getting bigger, stronger, faster. Well not faster, just bigger and stronger. I find that I think differently, I can approach things in a different way when I play sports. I mean I'm still not the most athletic guy, but I can say that I am way better then when I was in highschool.
I played a few rounds of badminton while I was at Jasmine's cabin, I haven't played badminton since I was maybe 13 years old. I can honestly say that I'm way better at it now just picking it up for the first time then when I was younger.
I have this love hate thing with sports. I really enjoyed it as a kid, but as I got older I found myself not being a very competitive person. I'm the kind of guy that would rather lose in a fun way then win and be all angry and grumpy afterwards.
As I say all the time, the only thing I'm competitive in is Graphic Design.
I guess I'm just saving all my energy to crush the competition. (whoa aggro)
Artist Spotlight: Luke Osborn
2 days ago
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