I feel like my days as a freelance are ending. Oct 15th is closing in on me and I once again will be a working stiff looking forward to the weekends. Having a stable paycheck would be a nice change. I don't think I'm as productive as I could be working freelance.
The fall weather is here in full force. Man I miss summer, I miss hot summer nights. I think I should move to California.
I weighed myself the other day and I am the heaviest I have ever been at 187 pounds. I can stand to lose 10 pounds.
Man this is life.
Artist Spotlight: Luke Osborn
2 days ago
187??!!! seriously?? that cant be right.. did you use the scale in the change room over at SC? that one is BUSTED.
Rich, our plan is to help him gain 13 more, AND THEN help him lose 30 lbs, so it's more satisfying... I mean, first one, he break 200, that's something, then... he loses 30 lbs, that's hardcore...
Nel if I was 200 pounds that would mean game over there is no going back. I would be chubby Vince for the rest of my life.
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