Thursday, February 25, 2010

more numbers

In 2008 I sent out 38 invoices, in 2009 I sent out 6.

I'm trying to do one big project a year, well big in my terms, still can't really talk about that I did last year even though it's starting to show up in magazines. I'll talk about it when I have the production versions in my hand.

Two immediate goals of mine is to set up my illustration based website: and update my design website:

My goal last year was to do some public speaking, I kinda of did it by piggybacking onto Matt's Pecha Kucha talk.

I'd like to figure out a way to get into Computer Arts, that's been on my mind lately.

I'll set up sometime this weekend to access what my goals are this year.

I tell you one thing I definitely would like to beat at least double what I made in freelance last year.



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