I know what it is that makes me love photography but I never want to get into it. It's 2 things:
1) I can frame things with my eye, I get inspired by things that I see and would like to take a picture of it. But what I take with my camera almost never looks as good as what I see in real life. I can solve this by 1. get a better camera or 2. learn to use my camera to it's fullest potential and embrace the irregularities that my simple camera's create.
2) Uploading images to my hard drive is a hassle, sizing them down for the web is a hassle, the pictures take up space in my computer and it makes me feel that with each batch of photos that I take with ever increasing megapixled up images that it's taking up space. A picture of a random cloud or a marshmallow can be space for a design or a big photoshop project.
3) I guess there is a third thing, this is my inability to divert my attention from graphic design. Taking the time out to learn how to take proper photos eats up my time in honing my craft in being a better graphic designer. I also feel that the knowledge from photography takes up mental space in my mind which I should really be using for graphic design.
I tend to like the fact that I can take imperfect photos that's all my own. I mean lots of people can take perfect well lit white balenced perfectly focused pics, do i need to be another one?
Don't let me get into video.
Artist Spotlight: Luke Osborn
2 days ago
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